Who I Am

I am the son of a hard working locomotive engineer who is also electrial wireman and a Chief Master Sergeant in the USAF.  My dad’s work ethic, his ability to develop creative solutions, and his stellar craftsmanship impressed upon me the importance of always producing your highest quality of work and at the same time, making it look easy.  I am an architect, a musician, a luthier, a fabricator and a dreamer.  I’m constantly asking “what if we did this next one differently…  Would that make it better?”  

Over the past decade, I’ve had a blast as a creator on YouTube.  I’ve shared my journey while restoring cars, building guitars, making custom furniture and fabricating one of a kind works of art for myself and the clients I serve.  My passion for design stems from how good design can help the rest of the world understand who we are.

Most everything in my world is modified or custom designed to help reinforce who I am to those who meet me.  My desire in life is to help other people realize they too can change and adapt the objects around them to better define who they are and to better support how they function.  Click on the links below to join me on my YouTube Channel and other social media.  Together we will create a world that represents YOU.

Greg Porter



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